Luokille 2-6 otetaan oppilaita, jos luokilla on tilaa. Pyrittäessä oppilaan on osoitettava riittävä englannin kielen taito. Luokkien 2-6 valintakoe testaa lapsen englannin kielen taitoja (ymmärtäminen, puhuminen, lukusujuvuus ja luetun ymmärtämien sekä kirjoittaminen) luokkatason mukaisesti. Läpäisemällä eri osa-alueet lapsi osoittaa voivansa toimia englanninkielisessä luokkaympäristössä ilman, että opiskelu muodostuu liian haastavaksi. Koska osa joidenkin aineiden opetuksesta on suomeksi, on oppilaalla oltava myös riittävät taidot suomen kielessä (äidinkielen taso tai suomi toisena kielenä taso). Ei äidinkielenään suomea puhuvilta hakijoilta testataan myös suomen kielen taito.
- a possibility to study grades 1-6 ca. 60% in English and ca. 40% in Finnish
- an opportunity for fluent use of language
- deeper knowledge of language and cultural awareness
We use a CLIL- method (Content and Language Integrated learning) where language is both the target and the means of learning.
In order to attend the English classes of Hyvinkää, a prospective student must pass an entrance test with the 60% passing rate. For the first grade, the entrance test tests the child’s language awareness skills. This means that the child does not need to know English as such in order to be accepted to the first grade. However, sufficient level of Finnish is required. For the non-native speakers of Finnish, we will arrange a Finnish language test.
Applying to first grade:
- Fill in the application form (online) by 31.1.2024
- Info Evening for parents in 17.1. at 18.00.
The possible applicant can also attend since we organise English language showering for children in separate classroom at the same time. Welcome!
- The Entrance Test is 13.2.2024
- Results by the beginning of March
For grades 2-6 students can be accepted to the classes if there is room. The prospective students need to show enough English and Finnish skills to be accepted into the class. For grades 2-6, the exam tests the child’s English skills (comprehension, speaking, reading fluency and comprehension and writing) appropriate to their grade level. The child needs to pass the different parts in order to be able to function in an English speaking classroom. Finnish language must be in sufficient level as about 40% of the studies are in Finnish.
Further information: Coordinators Veera Kallioranta and Eriika Nummenranta, and,
mobile +358 40 652 7814 or
principal Jari Laukkanen,, mobile +358 40 674 8707
Application form for grade 1
Application form for grades 2-6
Follow us:
Instagram "englishclassesof hyvinkaa" and Facebook "The English Classes of Hyvinkää"